Family Genealogy

NOTE: We are excited to bring you this page! It is hoped by sharing this information we can help each other fill in the missing parts of the puzzle. It is hoped the information will grow and we will be able to make connections. Expect to see errors in these records! When researching genealogy, errors are common and expected. Even "official" records like Death Certificates, Birth Certificates, Census Records and Oral Histories can contain errors. The microfilm is often of poor quality, the handwriting illegible, and spelling can be poor. The print is often quite small. It is possible that two documents of the same event can produce different data...and this is what makes the "treasure hunt" fun! Good luck in your research!

As your family tree grows and your database expands, please feel free to submit an updated GEDCOM file to be posted on this page.

If you have any additions, changes, or modifications to the files posted, please contact the individual submitters. They would love to hear from you! WATCH US GROW!

How to submit a GEDCOM file for this site.

Origins Research by Michael Engelbach of Wetter, Germany as presented at the Engelbach\Englebach\Engleback World Wide Reunion - July 1999. Michael's verbal presentation was spoken in German and the following translation was passed out in English.

Engelbachs in the 17th and 18th Century Germany and Alsace
by Michael Shenstone of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Historical Background of Engelbachs in the 17th and 18th Century of Germany and Alsace. This is an excerpt taken from Michael's first edition of "The Engelbachs of Alsace" genealogy report.

Engleback family connections submitted by Derek Engleback of England. Derek has spent a great deal of time doing research on his surname and is happy to share his research with all to help people make connections.

Engelbach/Englebach/Engleback Data Base submitted by Ellen Engelbach Pankenier Ellen Engelbach Pankenier has been collecting data on Engelbachs/Englebachs/ Englebacks since 1992 and has kept this information in a database in hopes of being able to make family connections. You will note that the sources of this information is listed.This is only meant to be used as a starting point in helping those that share the Engelbach Surname to make family connections. Enjoy!

Family Genealogy submitted by Jim and Martha Engelbach This file shows our research on the descendants of Phillip Daniel Engelbach who was born in 1727. This family line can be traced back further to the 1500's by making connection with the genealogy research done by Michael Shenstone "The Engelbach's of Alsace". Thank you Michael for all your scholarly efforts! Without it we would not be able to make these further connections. Please contact Jim and Martha with any additions, corrections, and the sources. Our e-mail address is posted at the bottom of the opening page of the file. We would like to hear from you. Thanks!

Family Genealogy submitted by Emilie Engelbach Cuthbert Please contact Emilie with any additions, corrections, and the sources. My e-mail address is posted at the bottom of the opening page of the file. I would like to hear from you. Thanks!

Family Chronology submitted by Rich Englebach. Please contact Rich with any additions, corrections, and the sources. His e-mail address is posted at the bottom of the opening page of the file. Thanks!

Family Genealogy submitted by Chris Engelbach Hitchcock. Please contact Chris with any additions, corrections, and the sources. Her e-mail address is posted at the bottom of the opening page of the file. Thanks!

Graphics courtesy of Glee Genealogy Graphics